Leadership of the SNSF reserach project:

The Formation of Children's Values in School 

 A Study on Value Development Among Primary School Children in Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Leadership of the reserach project:

University Teachers in a Challenging Situation 

 A Study on the transition from conventional teaching to online teaching during the coronavirus-related educational challenges

Leadership of the project:

Gender-Sensitive Career Orientation

The Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) supports the project with grants under the Equal Opportunities Act

Leadership of the project:

Gender Equality in the "Career Choice Portfolio"

The Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) supports the project with grants under the Equal Opportunities Act

Leadership of the project:

Towards Gender Equality in Education – 

Analyzing Teachers᾽ Preconceptions about Gender

The Swiss study is part of the cross-cultural comparative study Towards Gender Harmony – Understanding the Relationship between Masculinity Threat and Gender Equality Across CulturesThe project is supported by a HARMONIA 9 grant from the National Science Centre in Poland (2017/26/M/HS6/00360) awarded to Dr. Kosakowska-Berezecka, University of Gdansk.

Leadership of the project:

How Gender-Inclusive are Career Images?

Occupational Profiles for Basic Vocational Education and Training on Trial

The Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) supports the project with grants under the Equal Opportunities Act

Leadership of the project:

Science is (also) a woman's thing!

Gender equality of school books in secondary education

The Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) supports the project with grants under the Equal Opportunities Act

Leadership of the SNSF Science Communication Project (AGORA):

 "I'd like to be..." A game promoting gender-atypical career choice

Co-leadership of the SNSF Research Project:

Genderatypical Career Choices of Young Women

 Leadership of the SNSF Research Project:

Analysis of Acculturation Research in the School Context

Leadership of the Swiss Research Project:

School Dropout among Immigrant Students

Leadership of the Research Project:

Families Across Cultures: The Swiss Family Portrait

Leadership of the Research Project:

Value Transmission within Family

Collaboration in the SNSF Research Project:

Classroom Management and Cultural Heterogeneity